The 1974 International Banking Crisis

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Summer in the City: the 1974 International Banking Crisis in London and its implications for regulatory reform, paper presented by Professor Catherine Schenk at the Centre of Business History, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, on 9 January 2012 Abstract The relationship between regulators and the regulated in financial services has attracted considerable academic attention, partly because banking… Continue reading

Central Bankers and European Integration in the 1970s

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Central Bankers from the Failure of the Werner Plan to the creation of the EMS, 1974-1979 This article focuses on the role of central bankers in European monetary cooperation, from the failure of the Werner Plan to the creation of the European Monetary System (EMS). The role of central bankers in the run-up to the… Continue reading

The Central Banks and the States, March 2012

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“The Central Banks and the States” conference organised by the Historical Mission of the Bank of France on 15-16 March 2011 in Paris. Dr Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol will give a presentation entitled “Un nouveau système monétaire dans un système politique en mutation: Les banques centrales, la CEE, et la création du SME.” Abstract L’objet de cette… Continue reading

Political Economy and European Integration: the Challenges of the 1970s

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Integrating an International Political Economy Dimension into European Integration History: the Challenges of the 1970s For anyone interested in international political economy (IPE), the fact that European integration is embedded in global influences is, arguably, a given. Economic and monetary phenomena do not really know borders – or at least not in the same way… Continue reading

Symposium on the Euro Crisis (Bayreuth, January 2012)

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Symposium on “The euro: (Greek) tragedy or Europe’s destiny? Economic, historical and legal perspectives on the common currency” (Bayreuth, Germany, 11-12 January 2012)   Dr Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol is invited as a discussant to the Symposium on the Euro Crisis organized by the University of Bayreuth on 11-12 January 2012. For more details, see the conference programme and… Continue reading

Learning from previous crises

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Are we bad students or do we have poor teachers: why don’t we learn the lessons from previous crises?   The global financial crisis of 2007/8 revealed many flaws in the system of regulating and supervising the international banking and financial system. This article shows that most of these flaws had been recognised in earlier… Continue reading

Governance of Governors

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Governance of Governors: the 1974 international banking crisis and the early deliberations of the Basel Committee   The 2007 global financial crisis exposed a range of weaknesses in the fabric of prudential supervision both at national and international level. Given the failure of the Basel Committee framework to develop effective rules that can be implemented… Continue reading

The Euro Crisis: A Historical Perspective

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  In this paper, Dr Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol sheds light on the current euro crisis by looking at the debates preceding the conception of the euro. How can the early days of EU monetary cooperation help us understand today’s predicament? And what lessons can we draw from them for the euro? Reference Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, The Euro… Continue reading